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Instructor: Multiple Instructors-ESC
Explores what the Bible says about Christ's "second coming" and its relationship to events that lead to the end of the age
From the series: Datanglah Kerajaan-Mu: Doktrin Eskatologi, Lesson 3
Manuscript: Word PDF
Topics: Akhir Zaman
Considers how individual human beings experience the events of the last days.
From the series: Datanglah Kerajaan-Mu: Doktrin Eskatologi, Lesson 2
Focuses on the last events of history that will finally end this age and fully consummate the age to come.
From the series: Datanglah Kerajaan-Mu: Doktrin Eskatologi, Lesson 4
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Akankah semua manusia pada akhirnya diselamatkan?
Topics: KeselamatanAkhir ZamanInterpretasi
Apakah semua manusia pada akhirnya akan diselamatkan?
Topics: KeselamatanInterpretasiAkhir Zaman
Apakah benar beberapa orang diciptakan untuk hari malapetaka?
Topics: Puisi dan HikmatInterpretasiAkhir Zaman